Printing with leaves on silk using a mixture of medium and botanical print techniques is our July project part of the feltmaking membership.
It is the perfect time to start learning and printing with leaves. I start to print in July to let leaves to get mature and weeds to appear in the garden. Weeds are a great choice for printing too.
I am sure you can recognise the leaves on the pictures below. This is just a fraction of leaves suitable for botanical print. We will be learning further during the July class.
During this class you will be learning:
Suitable materials to print on.
Suitable leaves to print with.
Equipment required.
Printing large pieces on a small table.
How to achieve sharp print and outline print depending on a design.
Mixing a few techniques to achieve maximum result.
This class will be available as a 3 month membership if bought in July only. You will also get this class as part of the 6, 12 months membership or bought stand alone class for the price greater then the membership.
We also will look into when is the best time to collect leaves and why.

Join us if you have not done yet.
Feltmaking membership means, affordable classes, new projects, new techniques every month, discounts for feltmaking materials and discounts for Lena's other masterclasses.
This is the link

Thank you.
Best wishes