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Monthly Online Classes Feltmaking Memberships

If you are like me who wants to try different projects and learn many techniques immediately, spending too much time searching for ideas on Pinterest and before mastering skills, trying and wasting many materials, then please read this blog about my monthly membership club.

I have been felting non stop for the past ten years trying all sorts, making many mistakes and wasting lots of materials. First, I wanted to master both needle felting and wet felting. However, wetfelting gradually pushed needlefelting away. But there are so many possibilities in wet felting. You can literally create anything and browsing through others work wondering how to achieve all that delicious felted effects. How and where to learn especially now when we spend more time at home? I was fortunate to be able to learn from amazing East European Feltmakers, experimenting further, creating beautiful things and minimising materials waste. My latest many years passion is fine wearable felt, which opened up so many possibilities in my creative world. Mastering video and online teaching skills further brought me to not a very new idea of memberships. Thinking if not for membership, I would probably pay more. If I want to stay fit, I have a choice of a membership or a personal trainer who I really can not afford. This brought me to an idea of feltmaking memberships. However, how can I organise them? If I put many projects under the same roof like Netflix, will this give more benefits to my students or create a confusion?

One project every month, new techniques and many ideas, my expertise and support plus the community spirit. This is the idea of the memberships I would like to deliver.

How It works?

You have a choice of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, paying monthly or upfront. All paid memberships upfront and annual paid monthly give you unlimited access to your classes.

I will be announcing next month project a few weeks before we start a new class to give you an opportunity to prepare materials. Talking about materials, I will be happy to select the best quality and a great range of colours and packs will also be available. More materials and a new range of superfine merino wool is coming in July and will be available to be purchased from my website,

Finally, I can hear the question, what are we going to create?

There is a sneak peek into the monthly projects delivered via my detailed video instructions.

Can I please ask you to watch my Introduction video and if you have any questions, give me a shout.

Happy Felting!

All the best Lena

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