05.09.18 - 24.10.18
This course is run Wednesday evening.
Eight weeks course is designed for a complete beginner who would like to learn various feltmaking techniques.
The price includes:
- basic materials pack,
- PDF tutorials,
- my tutions,
- homework coaching,
- and light refreshment.
I will be providing packs with materials and the choice of colours might be limited. I would encourage students to start collecting own materials and the list will be provided before the course.
Week 1. Students will be learning about various wool and its suitability for different projects. Few samples using various wools will be created. The main purpose is to learn few different wool layouts and felting techniques.
Weeks 2. Students will be experimenting with felt embellishment using various fibre, yarns and fabrics. Few samples will be created during the lesson.
Week 3. Students will be learning how to create felted shibori making various samples.
Week 4. Introduction to 3D seamless felt. The technique then will let learners to create various projects such as bags, hats, ipad cases, cushions and many more.
Week 5. 3D seamless felt introducing elements of shibori and other embellishment. Introduction to wool bats.
Week 6. Introduction to nuno felt. Students are now comfortable working with wool and will be able to create as many samples as possible using various nuno felt techniques.
Week 7 and Week 8 is the final project. Students will be creating the project of their choice incorporating techniques learned using own materials.
Students will be receiving home work every week and would require use own materials.
Students also will receive bonus a PDF tutorial felted flowers - 3 patterns, value of £10.50 and also instructions how to create felted cords before week 5 giving them opportunity to experiment at home before the final project.
The payment can be made in 3 installements:
- a deposit - £30
- two installements each £60.
All 8 classes have to be attended and payment to be made in full. However, if for any reason, you are not able to attend one of the lessons, then the full PDF tutorial and one hour in the studio should help to catch up.
8 weeks feltmaking course, £150, please pay a deposit £40
Please pay a deposit of £40 while booking the place. The first Instalment of £60 to be payed 3 weeks before the workshop. The final instalement of £50 to be payed during or before the first lesson.